Social Security numbers, bank accounts, and racy photos-these types of information need to stay off of your gadgets and messaging apps. Avoid sending sensitive information on chat apps or via text message.Hackers can easily sniff data like photos, messages, passwords, usernames, and banking information that’s sent from laptops, tablets or smartphones. Since public networks tend to be used by a lot of people, they’re prime targets for hackers. Public Wi-Fi is an invaluable tool to some, but can pose more security problems than it is actually worth. Avoid surfing the Web or sending private information via public Wi-Fi.

So with this in mind, what can you do to protect yourself and your personal information when using mobile chat apps like Viber? Here are a few things to keep in mind: Anyone with the right hacking knowledge, or warrant, can access those private messages later without your or the company’s knowledge. Because most of these mobile chat apps store messages on servers before relaying them to your intended recipient, it leaves them vulnerable to clever criminals or security loopholes. While all of these vulnerabilities are fixable and often fixed as soon as they are discovered, the burden of protecting private messages still falls on the user. In reality, once you hit the “post” or “send” button-and in some cases, even before-any message, photo, video, chat log, comment or email is never truly erased on the Web. Additionally, whether something is supposedly anonymous or ephemeral, what you send is on the Internet forever in some form or another.
Viber message receive from this recipient is encrypted android#
In December, I wrote about the security bug that allowed its chat histories to be stored in other apps on an Android phone-an easily exploitable security hole for hackers.Īll of these bugs, loopholes and lapses in security highlight the reality that mobile messaging apps aren’t as secure as you think they are. Then there’s WhatsApp, the messaging platform recently acquired by Facebook for $16 billion. The reason: its messages didn’t actually disappear as often as promised. Snapchat, the popular messaging platform that promises to erase each message after it is viewed, recently settled with the Federal Trade Commission regarding a similar infraction. The company has now solved the issue, but the potential damage done is still hard to determine. To make matters worse, the app also stored the messages online on a publicly available server, making it possible for private photos and messages to be accessed by anyone with enough determination and knowhow.

In late April, security researchers discovered that the popular mobile messaging app, Viber, sent video and images without encrypting them (the equivalent of scrambling the message so only the intended receiver can descramble and thus read) first. Online privacy is a premium, which is why mobile chat apps that proclaim to keep conversations completely secure are so popular-despite some recent hiccups. Much like a package left unattended on your doorstep, the risk of someone getting ahold of personal items or information is at an all time high. When you chat with someone through a third-party messaging app, be aware that someone may read it-someone other than your intended recipient.